On 15 November 2021 TLhub held a meeting at IBB Andersia Hotel Poznań under the title “Polish Deal – legal and tax consequences for entrepreneurs”.


During the event, attended by more than 50 entrepreneurs, TLhub experts: UAM Prof. Katarzyna Leśkiewicz, Kamila Tołoczko, Wojciech Matuszczak, Adam Kołodziejczyk, Łukasz Dumowski and Krzysztof Jarosiński presented what we believe to be the most important upcoming changes in the law on taxes and public levies, entering into force in January 2022.


We are happy that we were able to meet with you in person and, during several lectures, panel discussions as well as breaks, talk about the regulations about to come into force.


We would like to thank the patron of the event – The SME Ombudsman Office, whose representative also took part in our meeting.


We would also like to thank media patrons: Głos Wielkopolski, Radio Poznań, poznan.naszemiasto.pl.


We are looking forward to seeing you again.