Damian Puślecki Ph.D.

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languages: Polish | English

Doctor of Laws Damian Puślecki specialises in social insurance law, with particular focus on agricultural social insurance.


He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań with a law degree. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Law and Enterprise Management in Agribusiness of the Poznań University of Life Sciences.


He conducts classes in copyright, industrial property law, economic law, jurisprudence, labour law, insurance, legal aspects of business activity and international trade law.


Author of many publications on agricultural law, social insurance law, labour law, social law and intellectual property protection.


His current interests include issues such as the subject of social insurance protection, ex-ante and ex-post protection, subjective scope of protection, the catalogue of potentially applicable benefits and the social security status of self-employed persons, with particular emphasis on entrepreneurs, farmers and farmers who additionally work a professional job (“dwuzawodowcy”).


A member of the Polish Association of Agricultural Lawyers (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Prawników Agrarystów), of the Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists (Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu), and a non-student member (“filister”) of the ROMA Academic Fraternity.


Selected publications:

  • Puślecki D., (2021) Zasiłek opiekuńczy dla rolników i domowników ubezpieczonych w Kasie Rolniczego ubezpieczenia społecznego, Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, issue no. 2 ISSN 1897-7626, pp. 237–253.
  • Puślecki D., (2020), Ubezpieczenie od następstw nieszczęśliwych wypadków i chorób dla dzieci rolników ubezpieczonych w KRUS, Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, issue no. 26/2020, ISSN 1897-7626, pp. 141–161.
  • Puślecki D., (2020) Glosa do orzeczenia Sądu Najwyższego z 21 lutego 2019 r. I UK 436/17, Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, issue no. 26/2020, ISSN 1897-7626, pp. 205–211.
  • Puślecki D., (2020), Kwestia ochrony rolnictwa rodzinnego w systemie rolniczego ubezpieczenia społecznego, Przegląd prawno-ekonomiczny, issue no. 50 1/2020, ISSN 1898-2166, pp. 55–76.

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