Professor of the UAM in Poznań, Katarzyna Leśkiewicz, Ph.D.

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Partner, attorney at law

Professor of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Katarzyna Leśkiewicz, Ph.D. specializes in matters regarding public real estate management, in particular forest and agricultural real estate owned by the Treasury. She provides consulting services to entities from the public and private sectors within agricultural and food law and environmental protection. In recent years she has been focused on consulting services for entities that manage real estate owned by the state or local governments, including drafting and issuing opinions on agreements, terms and conditions, regulations, and tender documentation in public procurement, issuing opinions on management decisions, as well as representation before courts and administrative authorities. She supports and represents clients during investment processes. She also specializes in matters regarding public procurement, spatial planning and land development, construction law, as well as securing of receivables within the financing of any investments.  


Katarzyna Leśkiewicz is a lecturer of agricultural and food law and agricultural administration in the Department of Agricultural and Food Law, and Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She conducts academic research within the scope of her professional interests. She had a scholarship at the Institute of International Agricultural Law in Florence and the Faculty of Law at the University of Pisa, Italy. She is the author of numerous academic and trade publications and a member of the Polish Association of Lawyers specialized in Agricultural Law. She regularly participates in Polish and international trade conferences as a speaker.  


Representative experience: 

  • An employer from the public sector – representation in court proceedings involving an employee who has been dismissed on disciplinary grounds;
  • A client from the construction sector – representation in court proceedings regarding payment of contractual fines resulting from construction work agreements; 
  • Representation of a client in a case regarding violation of a confidentiality agreement and payment of contractual fines resulting from specific task contracts;
  • Public investors – consulting within numerous investment processes regarding infrastructural construction;
  • Private investors – efficient consulting in business negotiations regarding agreements, including real estate purchase, terms of obligation contracts, e.g. lease, hire, construction works, etc. 

Selected publications: 

  • K. Leśkiewicz (2022), Ustawa o bezpieczeństwie żywności i żywienia. Komentarz, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck
  • K. Leśkiewicz (ed.) (2022), Legal protection of human health against the unsafe agricultural food, Wydanictwo C.H. Beck
  • Leśkiewicz K. (2020) Prawo żywnościowe – podręcznik (seria podręczniki Becka), Warszawa 2020.
  • Leśkiewicz K. (2019), Prawne aspekty zarządzania lasami Skarbu Państwa, Lublin 2019, s. 1-274.
  • Leśkiewicz K. (2017), Ustawa o rolnictwie ekologicznym. Komentarz. Krótkie komentarze Becka, Warszawa 2017, s. 1-131.
  • Bieluk J., Leśkiewicz K., (2017), Ustawa o lasach. Komentarz. Krótkie komentarze Becka, Warszawa 2017, s. 1- 381.

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