New technologies

Companies that focus on new technologies, must keep in mind that their operation is regulated by various acts, resolutions, EU law, as well as international law. Thus, processing all information in order to properly secure a company’s interests and fulfillment of all statutory obligations is a very time-consuming process that requires expert knowledge. What is more, legislation in this respect is trying to catch up with the reality which is dynamic and subject to constant changes. However, legal provisions do not respond directly to entrepreneurs’ business needs. 


Because of that, a lawyer who specializes in issues regarding new technologies must have extensive experience and awareness of clients’ business needs. The proper theoretical and practical background will help meet the requirements that the legal environment and market pose for companies. 


New technologies – the scope of our services:

  • support within the drafting of agreements regarding transfer of intellectual property rights (e.g. proprietary copyrights, trademark protection rights) and license agreements; 
  • drafting of implementation, license, and service agreements and software development; 
  • legal support during implementation of IT systems and other computer programs; 
  • drafting of terms and conditions for the provision of SaaS; 
  • support within the registration of trademarks in Poland, the European Union, and within the international procedure (e.g. Russia, Ukraine, China, India, USA); 
  • drafting and negotiation of investment agreements regarding new technologies; 
  • legal consulting for technology start-ups; 
  • terms and conditions and other documentation for websites; 
  • support within creation, conducting, and settlement of crowdfunding actions for crowdfunding portals; 
  • legal services within payment services and AML; 
  • legal services within the protection of confidential information such as business secret, trade secret, organization of work or production; 
  • legal support within patent protection; 
  • data protection and drafting of the required documentation complaint with the data protection regulations, including GDPR and other international regulations; 
  • support within disputes regarding internet domain names (including domains with .pl, .eu, .com extension, before amicable courts at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, and WIPO); 
  • representation during  proceedings regarding the unlawful use of intellectual property, unlawful use of trademark, infringement of data protection rights, infringement of a business secret; 
  • cooperation with Seed Capital, Venture Capital, Business Angel funds; 
  • drafting of legal and tax interpretations of new technologies; 
  • training courses for employees and managers on all legal aspects that affect the operation of companies from the new technologies sector. 

How do we help? 


We support innovative entrepreneurs and individuals who want to set up a technology start-up in the safe planning of this venture. We help adjust business ideas to the legal environment and then implement solutions within intellectual property protection. We indicate the legal framework that entrepreneurs must take into consideration if they want to launch innovative solutions. We also secure a company’s intellectual property at subsequent stages, taking care of marketing issues (e.g. trademark, essential permits from users, proper data protection), patent issues, and business secrets 


For many years we have provided ongoing legal services to companies from the IT, e-commerce, and creative sectors. We draft law interpretations and indicate changes of regulations that have a significant influence on a company’s operation. We support businesses in the selection of efficient and functional structural solutions. We also offer consulting within payment services and AML. 


We help prepare terms and conditions for the provision of SaaS and draft software implementation and service agreements. We provide comprehensive services within data protection, with particular focus on the GDPR. We represent clients in court disputes regarding internet domain names, unlawful use of intellectual property or infringement of a business secret. We organize training courses for employees and managers on all legal aspects that affect the operation of companies from the new technologies sector. 


Why TLhub?


For years, one of our leading specializations has been new technologies law within which we also offer intellectual property protection. We participated in numerous projects that gave us a chance to acquire in-depth knowledge of the specificity of the IT, advertising and marketing, e-commerce, industrial design, science and innovation, and cultural activity sectors. We have mastered the specific language of entities that operate in these sectors because we regularly cooperate with such companies. Thanks to our contact with clients, we understand their everyday problems.  


Our experienced team of attorneys at law and tax advisors perfectly meets the needs of entities that invest their time and money in the development of new technologies. We offer comprehensive services within the protection of entrepreneurs’ interests, supporting the development of their business. We indicate possibilities and available legal paths to achieve the goals they have set and we keep verifying significant legal changes.  


Do not hesitate to contact usin order to obtain more detailed information. 

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